Innov-AI-tion Law for Technology 4.0


The European and global society is gradually transitioning into the fourth industrial revolution, marked by an exponential technological advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as works of art created by AI systems, algorithmic decision-making and autonomous vehicles. The profound transformation of our society creates a pressing need for a clear legal framework that the EU is currently seeking to develop within Digital Single Market.


printable version of the programme

08.30-09.00    Coffee & Registration

09.00-10.30    Panel I

  • Chair: Catalina Goanta, Maastricht University
  • Explanation of algorithmic decision making: GDPR and technical feasibility: legal perspectives (Maja Brkan, Maastricht University) and technical perspectives (Grégory Bonnet, Uni Caen France)
  • Algorithmic accountability: GDPR and technical feasibility: Legal perspectives (Giovanni Comandé, Institute of Law, Politics and Development, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy) and technical perspectives 

    (Salvatore Ruggieri, Dipartimento di Informatica 

    Università di Pisa)


10:30-11:00    Coffee break

11.00-12.30    Panel II

  • Chair: Maja Brkan, Maastricht University
  • IP Protection for AI creations: legal perspectives (Andres Guadamuz, Senior Lecturer, University of Sussex) and technical/artistic perspectives (Monique Grimord, Interactive Designer and Artist)
  • Ownership and access to data in the context of AI: legal perspectives (Ana Ramalho, Maastricht University) and computer science perspectives (Jerry Spanakis, Maastricht University) 

12.30-13.00    Keynote speech by Philip Boucher, Policy Analist - European Parliament

13.00-14.00    Lunch

14.00-16.00    Panel III

  • Chair: Ana Ramalho, Maastricht University
  • Legalware: towards intelligent legal systems: legal perspectives (Caroline Calomme Connected Car Services) and technical perspectives (Valentin Calomme, Mediaan)
  • Liability issues arising out of gathering data with intelligent games: legal perspectives (Catalina Goanta, Maastricht University) and IT perspectives (Rico Möckel, Maastricht University)

16.00-16.30    Concluding remarks by Michel Dumontier, Maastricht University


The conference undertakes to respond to the quest for establishment of a regulatory framework by putting to debate questions still unsolved that touch upon several fields of law:

(i) Private law: What types of regulation should govern AI liability, and which actors should be involved in these regulatory approaches?
(ii) IP law: Who should hold copyright over works of art created by AI agents and can AI-generated inventions be patented? How does the IP and data interface work in the context of AI?
(iii) Privacy law: How to protect privacy and ensure accountability for decisions taken by autonomous AI agents affecting humans (e.g. automated tax decisions)?

The conference will be composed of three panels, tackling respectively the questions of private law, IP and privacy. The concept of the conference is rather unique, as each topic will be covered by two presenters having different backgrounds (one from law and another from technology). The two speakers will then use their contributions to prepare a paper together, to be published after the conference on an edited volume.


no conference fee will be requested

How to get to the UM Campus Brussels

Address: Avenue de Tervueren 153, 1150 Brussels
Metro: Montgomery

Metro: from the Central station take the purple metro line 1 leading to Stockel (not line 5 to Herrmann-Debroux) and get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Avenue de Tervueren 1-171 and then turn right. The UM Campus Brussels will be after 30 meters on your left hand.

Brussels Airport: take bus 12 or bus 21 that both cover the area between Brussels Airport and the city center. In both cases get off at ‘Diamant’ and take the tram line 23 or 24 both in the direction of ‘Vanderkindere’ or take line 25 in the direction of Boondaal Station. Get off at ‘Montgomery’. Take exit ‘Boulevard de Saint-Michel / Avenue de Tervueren 1-171 and then turn right. The UM Campus Brussels will be after 30 meters on your left hand.









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