Information session EDLAB Education Research Grants

Education Research Grants

Join us for an interactive information session about the EDLAB Education Research Grants!

In this online session, you will:

  • Receive an overview of the EDLAB education research grant programme from Alice Pan, EDLAB Coordinator for Education Research
  • Hear from prior year grant winner Martijn Boussé about the process of applying for the grant as well as conducting a short-term education research project—and tips for how to make it successful
  • Learn what it takes to craft a strong research project proposal
  • Engage in activities designed to help you clarify and refine your project ideas
  • Have your questions answered in a live Q&A

As an added bonus, you’ll be able to meet fellow potential applicants—and we’re currently planning a follow-up session focused on networking for potential grant applicants, so stay tuned!

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