Inaugural lecture Pieter Jelle Visser


Symposium and Inaugural lecture of Pieter Jelle Visser
Symposium: Bonnefantenmuseum - Lecture: Minderbroedersberg

The lecture will take place on Friday 22 September 2023 at 16.30h in the aula of the main administration building of Maastricht University at the Minderbroedersberg, and will be followed by a reception. The lecture will be in Dutch. It can be followed on a live stream, please indicate in the registration form if you would like to receive a link.

Prior to the inaugural lecture, a symposium on diagnosis, treatment, and molecular epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease will take place from 13.00 to 15.30 at the Bonnefantenmuseum. The language will be English.

See the programme attached.

Could you please indicate your participation before 11 September via the link in the programma above.

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