11 Apr
17:00 - 20:00

ILDG Lecture - Current Developments in Ukraine (webinar)



The International Law Discussion Group at Maastricht University is organising a Symposium on Current Developments in Ukraine.  

The event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Please click on the green button.



Introductory remarks by Prof Jure Vidmar (Maastricht University)

17.15h PANEL I
  • Chair: Jure Vidmar (UM, Faculty of Law)
  • Michal Natorski (UM, UNU-MERIT): Domestic Transformations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine since Independence
  • Lucia Leontiev (UM, Faculty of Law and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa): A Legal History of post-Soviet Boundaries 
  • Sarah McGibbon (UM, Faculty of Law): Unravelling Statehood and Territorialism: Examining Russia's Actions in Relation to Ukraine
18.30h Break
18.45 PANEL II
  Chair: Jure Vidmar (UM, Faculty of Law)
  • Sarah Thin (UM, Faculty of Law and UHasselt, Faculty of Law): The Ukraine v Russia Allegations of Genocide Case before the International Court of Justice
  • Wim Muller (UM, Faculty of Law): Russia’s and Ukraine’s (Non-)Compliance with International Humanitarian Law
  • Craig Eggett (UM, Faculty of Law): Prosecuting International Crimes committed in Ukraine
20.00h End


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