05 Jul 09 Jul
08:30 - 18:00

Human neuroanatomy and its clinical application

The course is intended for PhD students in the field of Neurosciences, neuropathology, psychology and psychiatry. The course will introduce the human neuroanatomy by lectures and hands on practical light microscopy and dissection of a human brain under supervision.


Imaging techniques like MRI and PET will be introduced including site visits to the state of the art facilities. The application of these techniques to clinical diagnostics will be presented. The anatomical changes in selected diseases will be shown with hands on light microscopy under supervision. The correlation of human anatomy in health and disease to animal models will be discussed. In addition, the course includes an interactive seminar. The participants can choose a seminar according to their interests either on a disease, MRI techniques or model systems. The literature, on which the seminar is based, will be sent before the course.

NOTE: This course is NOT open to pregnant women, because of exposure to neurotoxic chemicals.

The course yields 2 ECTS points.

For more information and registration.

More information please contact: secr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nl


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