22 Sep
Studium Generale | Guided Tour

The Hidden History of Maastricht I: Maastricht’s Past, an Introduction

As a student of Maastricht University you’ll be living, studying and socialising in Maastricht for several years. What do you know about the city you will be living in? What kind of city is Maastricht? Where are the hidden places you don’t know about? Learn about Maastricht’s background and history on one of the three tours given by experts of the Limburg Historical and Archaeological Society (Limburgs Geschied- en Oudheidkundig Genootschap, LGOG), who will show you some of the gems of Maastricht.

Tour 1: Maastricht’s Past, an Introduction

This guided tour will give you an introduction to the rich history of Maastricht. The guide will show you the highlights of Maastricht’s past, from Roman times to the Middle Ages, ending with the early industrial period.


The Hidden History of Maastricht II: Maastricht, City of Europe
The Hidden History of Maastricht III: Industrial Heritage

A picture of the bridge of Maastricht.

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