30 Jan
09:00 - 13:00

GROW Social Media workshop

When people google you, what do they see?
Do you make a professional impression?
Do people understand what your expertise is?



This introduction workshop for PhD students and researchers helps you understand the social media landscape, so you can make choices that suit you and your research. Working towards the effect on social media that you want to have.

1: Introduction
How do social media work?
What do you use social media for?
How do you use it?
What is your goal when you use social media?

2: How to use social media
How to add value to your followers on a consistent basis.
How to become an ‘expert’ in your field.
How to grow your audience

3: Where to post and where not to post
Comparison of Linkedin- Twitter- Facebook and Instagram.
How to plan your content ahead.
Frequency : How to make sure you post on a regular basis.
What is a good profile picture? A good bio?

4: Let’s do it
Formulate your social media goal, your preferred platform and start drafting content.
Start posting!

About the trainer

Susanne Maris is an experienced trainer and coach. She has been training and coaching academics and researchers for more than a decade. Her focus lies on communication in science. Being certified by the Career Management Institute, Susanne works in the top league of coaches in the Netherlands. Originally, she was trained as a clinical and an organizational psychologist at the University of Amsterdam. Also, she graduated from the Geneva School of Art and Design.


Workshop is free for all PhD students and researchers.
Seating is limited, pre-registration is required (first come/first serve) via; secretariaat-grow@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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