Governing through Funding in the EU


This two-day interdisciplinary workshop incorporating insights from law, political science, and public policy, explores the theoretical, normative, and constitutional underpinnings of governance through funding in the EU. 

This workshop provides unique legal and empirical insights into the legal design and administration modes of EU funding through a number of case studies (e.g. NGEU; migration, and environment), as well as assesses how EU funding and financial accountability is mobilised by different EU institutions and bodies.  Contributions also critically comment on the adequacy of accountability mechanisms and transparency for the disbursal of EU funding, as well as the impact of governance through funding on the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law.

This hybrid workshop is co-convened by Dr. Lilian Tsourdi (Assistant Professor/NWO VENI Principal Investigator) and Dr. Marijn van der Sluis in in the framework an NWO VENI grant, the GLaw-Net Research Network, and the Maastricht Centre for European Law. You can participate online or physically in Maastricht.


Programme on 15 May

12.00-12.30  Registration & Welcome

Governing through Funding in the EU: Constitutional and Normative Perspectives

  • Chair: Ellen Vos, University of Maastricht 
  • Governing through Funding in the EU: A Research Agenda by Lilian Tsourdi, University of Maastricht & Marijn van der Sluis, University of Maastricht  
  • Governing through Funding in the EU: A Constitutional Law Perspective by Bruno de Witte, University of Maastricht & European University Institute


Coffee Break

Governing Crisis or a New Era of EU Financial Governance? Scrutinising the Next Generation EU Recovery Plan:

  • Chair: Sophie Vanhoonacker, University of Maastricht
  • Governing the EU Resilience and Recovery Facility: Formulating, Implementing, and Monitoring National Plans as an Interactive Multi-Level Process by Jonathan Zeitlin, University of Amsterdam & European University Institute and David Bokhorst, European University Institute
  • The new EU Cohesion - Achieving Solidarity and Compliance through EU Funding by Maria Patrin, University of Florence
  • Next Generation EU and the European Union’s System of Government by Vestert Borger, Leiden University
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

Financial Governance through EU Institutions and Bodies (I): Enforcing EU Policy through Funding

  • Chair: Monica Claes, University of Maastricht 
  • Governing through Funding: A European Parliament Perspective by Richard Crowe, European Parliament
  • Filling the Enforcement Gap: Protecting the Rule of Law Through Funding Conditionality by Antonia Baraggia, University of Milan and Matteo Bonelli, University of Maastricht
  • Disentangling Parliament’s Budgetary Control: Which Role for Financial Accountability? by Michele Gigli, European University Institute 



Programme on 16 May


Financial Governance through EU Institutions and Bodies (II): Shifting Roles for Financial Accountability Bodies

  • Chair: Andrea Ott, Maastricht University  
  • New Frontiers in Financial Accountability: The Evolution of the Role of the European Court of Auditors by Nikos Voyiatzis, University of Essex
  • Safeguarding Fundamental Rights through Financial Accountability: OLAF and EU AFSJ agencies by Niovi Vavoula, Queen Mary University of London and Andreas Karapatakis, Queen Mary University of London
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Steering Potential of EU Funding: Sectoral Approaches (I)

  • Chair: Bruno De Witte, University of Maastricht & European University Institute
  • Structural Fund Conditionality: Does the Commission Ask Member States to Do What they Ought to Do Anyway? by Phedon Nicolaides, University of Maastricht
  • Migration Financial Governance: Policy Implementation and Solidarity through EU Funding by Lilian Tsourdi, University of Maastricht 
  • The EU’s Just Transition Fund: Legal Basis, Objectives, Implementation and Control by Mariolina Eliantonio, University of Maastricht and Emilia Korkea-aho, University of Eastern Finland
  • Cultural governance through funding: The making and evolution of EU cultural policy by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, University of of Peloponnese and Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)



Steering Potential of EU Funding: Sectoral Approaches (I)

  • Chair: Anne Pieter van der Mei, Maastricht University
  • Funding the Green Transition - Opportunities and Challenges for Supporting Climate Change Mitigation Through Public Funding in the EU by Marijn van der Sluis, University of Maastricht   
  • Governance through Funding’ Under the EU’s Recovery Plan – a Next Stage for the Union’s Economic Policy? by Paul Dermine, Université libre de Bruxelles
  • Disputed Environmental Protection: Dynamics of Steering and Resistance in the Common Agricultural Policy by Leticia Díez Sánchez, University of Maastricht and Annalisa Volpato, University of Padova
  • Accelerating the Green Transition: Governance through Funding and the RePowerEU Instrument by Lucas Schramm, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and Chiara Terranova, Europa-University Flensburg
15:30 Closing by 

Lilian Tsourdi and Marijn van der Sluis, University of Maastricht 



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