19 Sep
Freely accessible after registration

Environmental Law Lecture Series

 Strengthening EU Environmental Law: Legal Perspectives on Greening Europe

This lecture series provides a set of important insights from environmental law scholars across Europe on how EU environmental law helps to achieve the aim of a high level of environmental protection in the European Union, including impacts of EU environmental law across the world. 

With the European Green Deal from 11 December 2019 the European Commission tabled an ambitious legislative program, based on fundamental aims such as zero pollution, do no harm, and climate neutrality. Many legal developments took place and are still on-going, both at the European and national regulatory levels as in the courtroom, including the national courts. While efforts to protect the environment are direly needed, including effective implementation and enforcement, the regulatory acquis, and the flow of case law, has become utterly complex which poses challenges for acquiring a good understanding and application. Lectures will pay attention on how also after the elections for the European Parliament in June 2024 the environmental acquis of the EU and its application will develop.

Start of the 2024/2025 lecture series
We will start this academic year's lecture series on Thursday, 19th September 2024, with a lecture by An Cliquet. An Cliquet is a professor of international environmental and biodiversity law at Ghent University. Her research covers international and EU biodiversity law, with a focus on ecological restoration law, and topics such as climate change and biodiversity and protected areas law. She teaches several courses on international and European environmental and biodiversity law. Click the green button on the right to register.

Recorded lectures
This freely accessible online (and hybrid) lecture series started in March 2023 and will be continued in the academic year 2024-2025. All lectures have been recorded and are accessible through YouTube

Certificate of attendance
Maastricht University students will be invited to attend  the lectures on-site. Students are eligible for a certificate of attendance if they have attended at the least 3 lectures on-site and have signed the registration form. After registering for a lecture, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will contain instructions on how to request a certificate. For questions email to: law-greendeal-net@maastrichtuniversity.nl

This lecture series is part of the GreenDeal-NET initiative and hosted by MCEL and METRO, in cooperation with GLaw-Net.

Upcoming lectures

19 September 2024 4:00 – 5:30 PMProf. Dr. An CliquetMake Europe wild again: International commitments and European obligations on nature conservation and restorationClick here for the abstractRegister here 
31 October 2024 4:00 – 5:30 PMProf. Dr. Dominic CoppensThe Global Plastic Treaty negotiations: 
The dynamic between the EU's multilateral and internal green agenda
Click here for the abstractRegister here 
14 November 2024
4:00 – 5:30 PM
Dr. Suvi-Tuuli PuharinenEU Marine Environmental Law: Building a Safe Haven for Marine Life or Getting Lost at the Sea?Click here for the abstractRegister here 

Recorded lectures

8 March 2023Prof Dr. Michael FaureCriminal Law as an Enforcement
System of the Environmental Acquis
Click here for the recording. 
You can find the abstract here. 
6 April 2023Prof. Fabrizio FracchiaThe Duty to Protect the Environment
From anthropocentrism as a right
to anthropocentrism as a duty towards
future generations.
Click here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
4 May 2023Prof. Helle Tegner AnkerEU competences and the energy crisis.
On renewables, biodiversity and energy security
Click here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
1 June 2023
Prof. Dr. Bándi GyulaThe Right of Future GenerationsClick here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
29 June 2023 Prof. Leonie ReinsWhere Eagles Dare: How much room for EU member states under the environmental guaranteeClick here for the recording. 
You can find the abstract here.
21 Sept. 2023Prof. Colin Reid and Dr. Sean WhittakerFreedom of Environmental InformationClick here for the recording. 
You can find the abstract here.
19 Oct. 2023Prof. Lorenzo SquintaniPublic Participation in the EU and other legal frameworks: towards a more effective public participation practiceClick here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here
9 Nov. 2023Dr. Ioanna HadjiyianniAccess to justice in environmental matters at EU levelClick here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
7 Dec. 2023Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio Access to justice in environmental matters before national courts and the role of the CJEU’s case lawClick here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
8 Feb. 2024Ass. Prof. Annalisa Volpato and Prof. Ellen VosThe institutional architecture of EU environmental governance 
The role of EU agencies  
Click here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
22 Feb. 2024Prof. Estelle BrossetGreening EU Environmental Law: What about the European Climate Law?Click here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
14 March 2024 Prof. Marjan PeetersTo fall in love with the EU Emissions Trading instrument?
Opportunities and challenges of this core pillar of EU climate law
Click here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
25 April 2024Prof. Stefan E. WeishaarThe Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Encouragement of Cleaner Industries across the World?
Click here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.
13 June 2024    Prof. Dr. Thomas SchomerusEU Energy Efficiency Law - opportunities and barriersClick here for the recording.
You can find the abstract here.


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