15 Oct
13:00 - 17:00

Digital conference: Consumers and businesses in digital markets - An unequal relationship?

This webinar has been arranged by the Swedish Consumer Agency, its Scientific Council and with Maastricht University.

During this webinar, consumer and business organisations, academic researchers and policy-makers will discuss how digital markets and data driven marketing challenges consumer behaviour and how a more equal and balanced consumer-business relationship can be achieved.



The evolution of digital markets has changed the market conditions for consumers. Developments in digital platform markets, data driven marketing and digital design have created infinite opportunities for both consumers and businesses. However, consumers are faced with new challenges and are at greater risk of being influenced or even manipulated into actions and choices they would not have made otherwise. These challenges have led to a change in the relationship between consumers and businesses, in many cases to the disadvantage of the consumer.


The speakers and participants include the following:

  • Dr. Harry Brignull - User Experience Specialist and founder of darkpatterns.org
  • Hans Micklitz - Professor of Economic Law, University of Helsinki
  • Natali Helberger - Professor of Information Law, University of Amsterdam
  • Anna Barker - Competition Expert, OECD
  • Andreas Maaloe Jespersen - Specialist, Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
  • Arunesh Mathur- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Princeton University
  • Carolina BrĂ„nby - Director Digital Policy, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
  • Werner Stengg - Cabinet Expert for Digital Policy, European Commission


The Swedish Consumer Agency & the Seminar

The Swedish Consumer Agency, is an authority under the Ministry of Finance. The Swedish Consumer Agency has a Scientific Council with representatives from 9 different academic fields for example economics, marketing, law, IT, media and communication, risk management and sustainability. Every year the Swedish Consumer Agency and the Scientific Council host a seminar on important and relevant topics concerning consumers and consumer markets.

The purpose in short is to share knowledge about challenges and risks relating to consumer markets and to discuss how to improve market behavior and consumer protection. More than 100 representatives from for example authorities, consumer organisations, the business sector, universities etc participate in the seminars.

This year the seminar will be held as an international webinar due to Covid19. The webinar is free of charge.

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