
  • 20 Jun 21 Jun

    Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate

    We invite you to submit an abstract of a paper to present at the conference on the topic of " Between narratives and reality: The EU at the gates of a new mandate" which will be held at our Faculty of Law on 20 & 21 June 2024 in Maastricht.

  • 28 Oct 30 Oct

    Conference on the History of the Philosophy of Technology

    The History of the Philosophy of Technology Working Group at Maastricht University invites submissions for its first conference on the History of the Philosophy of Technology. We define the philosophy of technology as a wide-ranging and comprehensive field of study that includes the philosophical...

  • 30 Oct 31 Oct
    09:00 - 17:00

    Narratives, Frontier Technologies & the Law

    The conference will feature high-quality scholarly perspectives and theoretical investigations into the relationship or correlation between Narratives, Frontier Technologies, and the Law, with the objective of providing valuable insights for international legal scholars to analyse and conceptualise...