31 Oct
13:30 - 15:00
Well-being week 2018

Creativity [FULL]

At its heart, creativity is simply the production of novel, appropriate ideas in any realm of human activity, from science, to the arts, to education, to business, to everyday life. The ideas must be novel-different from what's been done before-but they can't be simply bizarre; they must be appropriate to the problem or opportunity presented.

In this workshop, the creative process will be introduced through a few brief exercises. After that we will look at what a person needs to be creative and what is so challenging about observing the world with a fresh, crisp perspective. Finally we will try a number of creative thinking techniques. These techniques are intended to help you break through ‘set’patterns of thinking. By the end of the workshop, you should have a better understanding of what creativity is and how you can further enhance your own creative problem solving skills.

Arie van der Lugt

Max. 30 people