12 Jun
09:15 - 18:00

Conference on Learning & Innovation

Are you interested in research on innovation of education and learning? Are you open to meeting others, both within and outside UM who are interested in the same? And are you willing to challenge yourself to look at this topic from a multidisciplinary angle?

Then join us in an inspiring conference on Learning & Innovation on 12 June, to get new insights, meet new people, set up new collaborations and by doing so inspire us to further develop the vision on Learning & Innovation research within Maastricht University.


What can you expect?

Inspiring and thought-provoking key-notes, fun workshops and ample opportunity to strengthen and enlarge your network. Have a look at our exciting program below.

09:15 We welcome you at AINSI in Maastricht with a typical local pastry dish and coffee/tea.
10:00 Start of the programme: e introduce ourselves, and explain why Learning & Innovation research is important, with Prof. Dr. Rianne Letschert (rector magnificus Maastricht University)
10:30 ‘(Re)directions for learning in a changing world’, key note lecture by Prof. Dr. Hanne Leth Andersen - rector at Roskilde University, and professor in Language & Learning - will give a keynote lecture followed by the opportunity to discuss and ask questions.
11.15 A short break with light snacks and drinks.

  (In)equality and its relations to learning
  Trends and developments in education and learning
   Infinite learning and competence development 
View the content of the workshops   

Please indicate which two workshops you prefer. By the end of May we will inform you about the workshop you have been assigned to. 

Interactive discussion with 4 experts: Interaction between societal developments and research.

13:00 Lunch break. During the lunch there will be a poster session, and ample opportunity to network.
14.15 ‘A teacher-centered approach to educational improvement and innovation’ key note lecture by René Kneyber, math teacher, trainer, publisher and publicist, and member of the Board of Education, will speak about ‘A teacher-centered approach to educational improvement and innovation’, followed by a discussion and Q&A.
15:00 Short break with light snacks.

The future of Learning & Innovation research at UM. Wrap-up with the Learning & Innovation taskforce and Prof. Dr. Peter Møllgaard (Dean of UM SBE and member of the Management Team of UM)

16:15  End ot the programme and networking drinks. 

The conference takes place at the AINSI, Lage Kanaaldijk 112-113, Maastricht. Transport from the station to the AINSI and vice versa will be provided.
The language of the conference is English.

If you can't join us on 12 June, but want to stay informed about the developments in the field of learning & innovation? Please send us an email and we will keep you informed.

Looking forward to seeing you on 12 June!

With kind regards,

Taskforce Learning & Innovation
Patrick Bijsmans, FASoS
Anique de Bruin, FHML
Sjoerd Claessens, LAW
Carla Haelermans, Chair - SBE
Janneke Hooijer, Academic Affairs
Stefan Jongen, FSE
Anke Sambeth, FPN
Trudie Schils, SBE


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