11 May 12 May
09:00 - 18:00

CaRe Days 2022

Research school CaRe is a collaborative between four research institutes:Amsterdam Public Health, Nivel in Utrecht, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences in Nijmegen and CAPHRI. The mission of CaRe is to contribute to better health and better healthcare through high-quality research, training of young researchers in the field, and multidisciplinary cooperation between the four research institutes to develop and implement relevant scientific knowledge.

A core activity for PhD candidates within the CaRe institutes, concerns the annual ‘CaRe Days’ event. Here, you have the opportunity to meet other young and/or early-career researchers from the different institutes and present your own work in an informal setting. Moreover, the event hosts inspiring (senior) speakers and offers parallel sessions on wide-ranging topics.

Join the CaRe Days 2022 on 11 and 12 May in Eindhoven!

Please find more information on the CaRe website: https://www.researchschoolcare.nl/care-days/

programme CaRe Days 2022

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