06 Sep
Maastricht Centre for Taxation

5th Maastricht Global Tax Policy Conference 2019


The 5TH Global Tax Policy Conference (GTPC) is set for September 6th, 2019, to bring together renown experts, government officials, CFOs and tax directors of multinationals enterprises, tax advisors, non-governmental organizations and academics that are interested in how states choose their route and balance their interest in a new international tax world plenty of changes and challenges for business and governments.



The Conference deliberations will be on the following themes:

1. BEPS 2.0
2. GAAR, Abuse and International Taxation
3. Attribution of income, beneficial ownership and PPT. ECJ decision on the German anti-treaty shopping clause
4. Cooperation between Revenue Services
5. Mandatory disclosure
6. Politics versus business: why are we where we are today
7. Aggressive Tax planning and financial secrecy.

We kindly invite all interested parties to save the date and register for a day of intensive and exciting debates, taking place at the Royal Museums of Arts and History, Parc du Cinquantenaire 10 Bruxelles.
For further information, please download the flyer by clicking HERE.

Conference Programme 





9:10 am

Abuse cases in the EU

Jasper Korving


BEPS 2.0

OECD, Wanda Montero


Coffee Break



Attribution of income, beneficial ownership and PPT. ECJ decision on the German anti-treaty shopping clause

Rainer Prokisch


Politics versus business: why are we where we are today

Theo Kejzer


Lunch time



Mandatory disclosure

Robert van der Jagt


Cooperation between tax administrations, round table

Representatives of revenue services from UK (Victor Baker), USA (Virginia Tarris), Argentina (Sebastian Paladino)

Chair: Gonzalo Arias, CIAT


Coffee break



GAAR round table:

1.       CAN, MERCOSUR, EU developments

2.       MNF and abuse

3.       Aggressive tax planning indicators in Latin America

4.       The Granada Declaration

Representatives of revenue services from Brazil (Cláudio Ferrer de Souza), Colombia (Claudia Vargas), Ecuador (Marisol Andrade Hernández), EU (Franco Roccatagliata) TJN (Moran Harari Pelman), Academia (Fernando De Man, Jose Manuel Castro, Ernesto Lejeune)

Chair: Esperanza Buitrago


Aggressive Tax planning and financial secrecy.

Tax Justice Network (Moran Harari Pelman)


Questions time



End of the conference


18:00 NB: all participants are invited to leave the building no latest than 18:00 O’clock in order to comply with the Regulations of the Royal Museums for Arts and HistoryHFH


Prof. Dr. Hans van den Hurk (Chairman)
Dr. Esperanza Buitrago




The MCT commends IBFDseagull publications and World.Tax for its aid in the promotion of the Global Tax Policy Conference.


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