25 Nov

4th Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) Conference

Chairmen: Bart Rutten, Arno Riedl, and Alexander Sack.


16.00 hrs.  16.05 hrs.     Introduction

16.05 hrs.  16.25 hrs.     “Smart drugs and decision making”

                                       FPN: Arjan Blokland and Anke Sambeth. SBE: Hyemi Jin and Thomas Meissner. MHeNs: Jos Prickaerts

                                       Presentation by: Matthias Wibral (Department MPE & MU-CEN at SBE)

16.25 hrs.  16.45 hrs.     “Social comparisons in risk taking”

                                       SBE: Hymei Jin, Stephan Müller and tba

                                       Presentation by: Matthias Wibral (Department MPE & MU-CEN at SBE)

16.45 hrs.  16.55 hrs.     “Molecular, cellular and electrophysiological effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in living human neurons”

                                       MHeNs: Bart Rutten and Gunter Kenis, FPN: Alexander Sack and Tom de Graaf
Presentation by CIN PhD student Alix Thomson

16.55 hrs.                       Discussion


17.00 hrs.                       Closing drinks

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