31 Jan

44th Dies Natalis celebration

You can follow the livestream of this academic session here from 15.15 on Friday 31 January.

Maastricht University celebrates its 44th anniversary in the Sint Janskerk, Maastricht, on Friday, 31 January 2019, 15.30 - 17.15, followed by a reception. You can register via the invitation e-mail you received on 12 December 2019.

The theme of this year's celebration is: Academic Leadership – Nurturing Talent, Developing Skills.

The ceremony is led by UM Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert. Organisational psychologist Prof. Carsten de Dreu (Leiden University), who has been awarded a Spinoza Prize in 2018, will give the Dies Lecture titled ‘On the Psychology and Economics of Leading Groups’.

Next, honorary doctorates will be bestowed to José M. Peiró, professor of Organisational and Social Psychology at the Universitat de València and Kathryn Shaw, professor of Economics at Stanford University. Both recipients will briefly elaborate on this year’s theme; Prof. Peiró will give a more extensive lecture on 30 January and Prof. Shaw will speak on 31 January in the morning at the academic colloquium.

Dies Natalis 2020 speakers
Prof. Carsten de Dreu, Prof. José M. Peiró and Prof. Kathryn Shaw

As is tradition, the UM Student Prizes and the Dissertation Prize will be awarded during the ceremony and the winner of the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize will be announced.

Flashback to the 43rd Dies Natalis

Watch the report the student video team made about the previous Dies Natalis celebration.

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