14th Pension Seminar Maastricht
“The challenge for Europe and the Netherlands: Better pensions and more prosperity through opening up the capital market?"
Key questions:
- Clearly designed dashboards can give people better insight into their pensions and encourage them to take action. How do we make these dashboards user-friendly, safe and effective? Jessica Mosher shares insights from the OECD Pension Outlook 2024
- Can we achieve a higher return on pensions in a European capital market union with the renewed Dutch pension system?
- To what extent do you include European developments in your strategy and investment policy?
- How do we create an infrastructure that not only contributes to better access to the capital market, but also encourages participants to save for their pension more actively?
- What would be needed to improve this complex interplay between regulations, infrastructure and risk appetite, so that Europe and therefore also the Netherlands no longer lags behind and the pension participant benefits from it?
Why is the capital market in the US better developed than in Europe, despite our larger consumer market? This disadvantage has consequences for European prosperity, legislation and regulations, and our way of saving for retirement. What is holding us back from developing our capital markets more efficiently?
How can we improve this? Pension funds must follow the regulations within the capital markets union, but more must also be done to encourage people to save more and accept more risk for their retirement. Can better insight into our retirement help to change our attitude?
During this afternoon we will address these questions; not only with the speakers, but certainly also with an active contribution from you!
General Information
The seminar will take place at the Faculty of Law, Bouillonstraat 1-3 Maastricht. The program will be in English. Where necessary, a question will be translated from Dutch into English during the seminar.
You can register via the link in the green box.
The costs are EUR 100 per person including lunch.
When registering you can choose: SPOP/CPL, AG, NOB and/or proof of participation.
13.15 | Welcome with lunch buffet |
14.00 | Opening & introduction Prof. Dr. Anouk Bollen-Vandenboorn, Maastricht University and Moderator Mr. Jacques van Dijken, Board member Pensioenfederatie / Director pensioenfonds Medisch Specialisten |
14.15 | European capital market Commitment to promoting European capital market union and what that means for pensions Mr. Marcel Haag, Director, Horizontal Policies, DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission |
14.45 | Q & A |
14.50 | Impact European development on Dutch legislation and regulation What is the impact of developments on the European capital market on Dutch legislation and regulations and what does this mean for the pension sector? Eric Bergamin, Partner Eversheds Sutherland |
15.30 | Break |
16.00 | Global – OECD Pensions Outlook – Dashboard What do pension dasboards/participants look like worldwide and what are the experiences? Participant-centric: what is the impact and risk attitude of the participant? Jessica Mosher, Policy analyst and actuary in the Insurance and Pensions Unit of the OECD |
16.30 | Q & A |
16.35 | Panelsession with the speakers |
17.05 | Closure by Jacques van Dijken & Prof. Dr. Anouk Bollen-Vandenboorn |
17.15 | Network drinks |