22 Mar 23 Mar
09:00 - 17:00

10th Joint Seminar ‘The Future of Law and Economics'

The Joint Seminar is organized by the universities of Paris X (Paris Ouest) and Paris II (Panthéon Assas), Maastricht University, Erasmus School of Law and the European Doctorate in Law & Economics (EDLE).
In March 2009, PhD students working on topics with respect to the economic analysis of law (also law and economics) came together in Paris as a result of a cooperation between the universities of Maastricht, Paris, Erasmus School of Law and the European Doctorate in Law and Economics (EDLE). The idea was to provide a forum to PhD students to present their ongoing PhD research and receive feedback from senior law and economics scholars from the other institutions as well as from their colleagues. This first seminar was a great success whereby it was considered very fruitful to have this mutual exchange of ideas and stimulating criticisms.

The title of the seminar remains 'The Future of Law and Economics', symbolizing the fact that the PhD candidates constitute the future of law and economics and realizing that much of the research they undertake is in fact path-breaking and innovative.
By planning your trip, please take into account that the seminar will take two full days, both Thursday and Friday. More information about the practical details will follow in a later stage.
Registration is required as both the number of presenters and participants is limited. If you would like to participate in the Joint Seminar, please fill in this form and return this to us.

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