Sitzia, E. (2023). Museology and Its Others: Analyzing Exhibition Storytelling through Narratology, Space analysis, Discourse analysis, and Ethnographic Research. In K. Bijsterveld, & A. Swinnen (Eds.), Interdisciplinarity in the Scholarly Life Cycle: Learning by Example in Humanities and Social Science Research (pp. 153-171). Palgrave Macmillan.
Ferloni, J., & Sitzia, E. (2023). Challenging Romaphobia: The case of a Romanian Mask at Mucem. In A. Rowson Love, & P. Villeneuve (Eds.), Dimensions of Curation: Considering Competing Values for Intentional Exhibition Practices (pp. 103-108). Rowman & Littlefield International.
Sitzia, E. (2023). Multiple Narratives and Polyvocality as Strategies of Inclusive Public Participation: Challenges and Disruption in the History Museum. Muséologies. Les cahiers d'études supérieures, 10(2), 51-63.
Rausch, C., Benschop, R., van Saaze, V., & Sitzia, E. (2022). Introduction to the Volume. In C. Rausch, R. Benschop, E. Sitzia, & V. van Saaze (Eds.), Participatory Practices in Art and Cultural Heritage: Learning Through and from Collaboration (pp. 3-11). Springer.
Sitzia, E., Essers, O., & Parise, A. (2022). Once upon a law: the Grimm Brothers’ stories, language, and legal culture. Exhibition