Eliza Steinbock (E.A.)

Prof dr. Eliza Steinbock is Chair in Transgender Studies, Art and Cultural Activism based in the Literature and Art Department at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Maastricht University. As chairholder, Eliza investigates inclusion and exclusion mechanisms operative in the art, culture, media, and heritage sectors and studies a range of practices that are aimed at changing inequalities. 


They are director of the Centre for Gender and Diversity (CGD), a platform that aims to connect researchers in the fields of gender and diversity studies, to facilitate networking with societal partners, and to enhance public-facing scholarship.​ 


Eliza is in the research program of Arts, Media and Culture (a board member), an affiliated researcher to the Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage, and member of the Advisory Council to the Diversity and Inclusivity Office.


Eliza is project-leader of the national consortium “The Critical Visitor: Intersectional Approaches for Rethinking and Retooling Accessibility and Inclusivity in Heritage Spaces” (2020-2025) funded by the Dutch Research Council. Together with 15 partners, the research team of Eliza, Hester Dibbits, Dirk van den Heuvel, Noah Littel and Liang-kai Yu investigates how the organization, collection, and exhibition spaces of heritage can meet the breadth of demands placed by today’s “critical visitors” for queering, decolonizing, and cripping. See their open access edited volume in Dutch and English, The Critical Visitor: Changing Heritage Practices || De kritische bezoeker: erfgoedpraktijken in verandering (2023) (download it here). 


Eliza is PI for the Dutch team in the European consortium grant "Perverse Collections: Building Europe's Queer and Trans Archives" (JPI - Cultural Heritage 2023-2025), or PERCOL. They work together with Dr. Sandro Weilenmann (postdoc) and Layan Nijem, MA (research assistant). PERCOL is an international research collaboration between the universities of St. Andrews (Prof. Glyn Davis), Maastricht, and Murcia (Prof. Juan Antonio Suárez); it aims to map the growth of Europe’s queer and trans archives, from the 1970s to the present and to identify their political implications in the wider cultural heritage sector.


Eliza has published over 40 articles and book chapters on contemporary visual culture analyzing the intersecting dimensions of gender, sexuality, race, and ability. 

They authored the Society for Cinema and Media Studies awarded best first book, Shimmering Images: Trans Cinema, Embodiment, and the Aesthetics of Change (Duke, 2019) and is co-editor of Art and Activism in the Age of Systemic Crisis: Aesthetic Resilience (Routledge, 2020). Their most recent edited volume is the June 2021 TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly "Europa Issue" co-edited with Yv E. Nay. Together with Susan Stryker and Jian Neo Chen, Eliza co-edits the new Duke book series for critical trans studies, ASTERISK: Gender, Trans-, and All That Comes After.