Damien Nunes

Damien is a project leader, trainer and service designer at UMIO. He originally has an engineering, architecture and design background and worked at various architectural and urban design firms before reinforcing our team a couple of years ago. Because of his broad interest in design and the value that design can offer he developed himself further in the field of service and business innovation from a design thinking perspective. Creative and holistic thinking, next to (visual) storytelling, are some of his strong points which gives an extra dimension to the programs and projects that we facilitate at UMIO.

How to grow you innovation capacity?

Damien will give a breakfast booster on 10 September about: How to grow you innovation capacity?

The ability to innovate more quickly and disruptively are two important competences an organisation should have nowadays in order stay relevant. But what exactly is innovation? Where and what should we innovate? Who should practice innovation within the organisation? And what kind of methods and tools can you leverage as a professional? This are crucial questions we will cover during this interactive webinar. You will be given an overview on what makes innovation successful, and what kind of skills and knowledge you should obtain in order to  become an innovation game-changer within your organisation. Expect an engaging and interactive webinar with short hands-on exercises that will expand you personal innovation perspective and capacity. We hope to see you then!