Karin van Leeuwen (C.W.)
Research profile
As a researcher, Karin is mostly interested in how modern European politics is shaped by law and legal practices.
Key publications include:
- 2023 ‘Constitutional Reform in the Post-war Netherlands: Law in History’, in: Karin van Bijsterveld and Aagje Swinnen (eds.), Interdisciplinarity in the Scholarly Life Cycle: Learning by Example in Humanities and Social Science Research (Palgrave) 61-78.
- 2022 ‘Rights for Others, Firing Back? Decolonization and Human Rights in Dutch Constitutional History, Verfassungsblog
- 2021 Leeuwen, K. van, and M. Rasmussen. ‘A Political and Legal History of the Advisory Committee of Jurists and the Foundation of the Permanent Court of International Justice.’ In S. Morris (ed.), Transforming the Politics of International Law: The Advisory Committee of Jurists and the Formation of the World Court in the League of Nations. Routledge.
- 2021 video series #kenjegrondwet, online interviews regarding the history and future of the Dutch constitution, https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/kenjegrondwet
- 2020 (with M. van Faassen and M. Scherer) Over de grondwet gesproken. 100 jaar constitutionele debatten. Een selectie uit de documenten van staatscommissies voor grondwetsherziening 1883-1983 (Hilversum: Verloren).
- 2018 (with W. van Meurs, R.J. de Bruin, L. van de Grift, A.C. Hoetink and C.W.C. Reijnen) The unfinished history of European integration (Amsterdam University Press).
- 2018 ‘Paving the road to ‘legal revolution’. The Dutch origins of the first preliminary references in European law (1957-1963)’ European Law Journal 24 (6) 408-421.
- 2017 ‘Inbraak in ‘sprookjesland’. Het Europees recht en de politieke strijd rondom de commercialisering van de Nederlandse televisie’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 65-82.
- 2014 ‘Tussen afschaffing en versterking. Historische tradities en de toekomst van een tweehonderdjarige grondwet’, Tijdschrift voor constitutioneel recht 5, 96-116.
- 2013 Uit het spoor van Thorbecke. Grondwetsherziening en staatsvernieuwing in naoorlogs Nederland (Amsterdam: Boom).
- 2012 ‘On democratic concerns and legal traditions. The Dutch 1953 and 1956 constitutional reforms ‘towards’ Europe’, Contemporary European History 21, 357-374.
- 2010 Digital research guide ‘Constitutional committees 1883-1983’, https://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/grondwetscommissies/onderzoeksgids
For an overview of recent (2018-present) publications and research activities, see UM's research information system, earlier publications are collected here.
Key publications
van Leeuwen, K. (2023). Constitutional Reform in the Post-war Netherlands: Law in History. In K. van Bijsterveld, & A. Swinnen (Eds.), Interdisciplinarity in the Scholarly Life Cycle: Learning by Example in Humanities and Social Science Research (pp. 61-77). Palgrave. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11108-2_4
More information about this publication
van Leeuwen, K., & Rasmussen, M. (2021). A political and legal history of the Advisory Committee of Jurists and the foundation of the Permanent Court of International Justice. In P. S. Morris (Ed.), Transforming the politics of international law: The Advisory Committee of Jurists and the formation of the World Court in the League of Nations (pp. 69-106). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003020868-5
More information about this publication
van Leeuwen, K., M. van, F., & Scherer, M. (2020). Over de grondwet gesproken: Een selectie uit de documenten van staatscommissies voor grondwetsherziening 1883-1983. Uitgeverij Verloren.
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