Carlos Quiros Campos, alumnus MA ESST

After completing the bachelor's programme in computer sciences in Costa Rica, I left for Nairobi in 2003. There, I could start to work for the ILRI, a NGO which works at the crossroads of livestock and poverty, bringing high-quality science and capacity-building to bear on poverty reduction and sustainable development.

At the ILRI I developed software programmes for the institute. With my technical background all I did was write computer programmes. In fact, I had a very limited concept of technology and I also worked in a small niche; so small that my position was discontinued in 2006. Time to broaden my perspective! Then, a colleague drew my attention to the master's programme in European Studies on Society, Science and Technology (ESST) at Maastricht University. The ESST programme offered me the opportunity to get out of the technical work perspective. I wanted to concentrate more on the sociological aspects of science and technology. My fellow students all came from a different background, ranging from biotechnology to philosophy. It was such a valuable experience to see how everyone looked at science and technology in a totally different way. I especially learned to see technology in a wider perspective and that has very much broadened my professional opportunities.

Carlos Quiros Campos (Costa Rican)
Year of Graduation: 2007