C. Haelermans
Carla Haelermans is a full professor in education economics at the chair of Human Capital, Educational Technology and Inequality at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) at the School of Business and Economics (SBE), Maastricht University.
Her main research interests are in education economics, labour economics, technology in education and inequality. She has done quite some work on the effectiveness of Educational Technology (EdTech) in education, parental involvement in education, efficiency of education, and the effectiveness of education and labour market policies.
Currently, she hold four leadership roles: She is the national coordinator of the Netherlands Cohort Study on Education (National Cohortonderzoek Onderwijs; NCO) for the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO; part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; NWO), she leads the research line on Education and Transition to Work at ROA and is a member of the Management Team of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), she is a member of the scientific team of the national growth fund project National Education Lab AI (Nationaal OnderwijsLab AI; NOLAI) at Radboud University Nijmegen, and she is one of the two PhD confidential advisors of Maastricht University's School of Business and Economics. From January 2019 until 1 January 2023 she was the PhD Director, and a member of the Management Team, of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE) of SBE.
In the past, she was the project leader of several evaluation studies in education, focusing on topics such as the effectiveness of EdTech in secondary education for math and literacy, the effectiveness of remediation programmes in primary education in the Netherlands, following the school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, the effectiveness of summer schools, and active labour market policies, such as retraining programmes or training programmes for school leaders.