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It is always exciting to await a final decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The judgement in C-619/18, Art.
Britain gets a hard-fought extension, with incalculable consequences.
With options running out before the United Kingdom faces yet another critical deadline, Prime Minister Theresa May tries one last (desperate) gamble to “save Brexit” – reaching out to the Labour Party. Will it be successful? Which are the options remaining on the table? What could happen next?
Staying just a little bit longer? Or for good?
With merely two weeks before the United Kingdom’s scheduled withdrawal from the European Union, Westminster still does not know what it wants and where it wishes to go.
In the hour of need, the United Kingdom is saddled with elected officials who fail to match the moment.
Is it legally possible for Trump to invoke an emergency in order to avoid Congress and obtain the necessary funds to build his wall? Or put differently: is it possible under US law to undo the refusal of Congress to appropriate the necessary funds?
Theresa May’s favoured Brexit deal is finished. The question remains when the Prime Minister will finally be prevailed upon to understand this reality – and when Parliament will finally take charge of the process.
A lot happened in the last two weeks. Not only was there an important message by Saint Nick and Pete, also the Sector Plan Law was finalised. We also look ahead at the Faculty Christmas gathering on Wednesday – with a surprise.
What does sovereignty mean in today’s world, given trends of globalisation, Europeanisation and also polarisation?