Latest blog articles

  • Not in the mood for a deal: The Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

  • The need to guarantee the free flow of information in a Big Data economy forces us to re-think Intellectual Property Rights and find an appropriate balance between competition, innovation, privacy and incentives.

  • Brexit update 21 dec 2018 blog image flag UK

    Week from hell

    Theresa May’s favoured Brexit deal is finished. The question remains when the Prime Minister will finally be prevailed upon to understand this reality – and when Parliament will finally take charge of the process.

  • Brexit blog Theresa May_Prashant Sabharwal - Law Blogs Maastricht


    With the final draft of the proposed Withdrawal Agreement having been published, the ball is back in the corridors of power in the United Kingdom. Will it take the deal?

  • Update Brexit blog October 2018

    Ever closer edge

    With its preparations woefully short and lacking a coherent strategy, the United Kingdom is sleepwalking into the worst-case No-Deal Brexit scenario.

  • With or without the UK, the EU will try to find a way to implement the UPC as it has invested considerable time and efforts knowing the benefits it will bring; however, the fate of the Agreement could be decided on judicial grounds instead of political ones.

  • brexit_LBM

    Getting serious

    The dreaded “No Deal” is becoming ever-more plausible

    With the summer holidays about to end, Brexit negotiations between the European Union and United Kingdom will resume in earnest. The question on everyone’s mind is simple: Will there be a deal or will the United Kingdom leave the European Union...

  • The Brexiteers had their chance in the past two years – they have pushed around a cabinet with a zeal driven by ideology, not practicality or reality. It is time for the remaining adults in the room to take charge. It is time for Theresa May to call the hard right’s bluff. Whether she will have the...

  • With an Implosion of the Conservative Party becoming increasingly likely, Theresa May must stand up to extreme Brexit advocates before it’s too late.

  • ​With the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal fast approaching, it is becoming increasingly evident that the British government still has no clear plan, relies on wishful thinking and is running out of viable options. To prevent a complete disaster, a much more targeted salvaging operation might...