Latest blog articles

  • Continued disproportionate impact on daily life in the border region

    With the circulation of the Coronavirus, governments are trying to restrict the movement of people. Staying at home and limiting unnecessary travel and visits is a frequently used and successful recipe against the flare-ups of...

  • Comparing figures on corona infections and mortality can be misleading

    The number of people dying in Belgium from the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is higher than in neighbouring countries. This high mortality rate makes it seem as if Belgium is not doing as well as its neighbours. The...

  • Creativity needed more than ever in the creative industry

    The Corona-crisis and the lockdown hits severely, and particularly the cultural and creative industries. Already a traditionally precarious industry not having deep pockets, COVID‑19 knocks out most core activities of the sector. Concerts...

    in General Corona Law
  • Cross-border non-coordination

    Yesterday I was in Maastricht at the Belgian border which is no more than 1 km behind my house. I wanted to see it with my own eyes: the border was closed. The Belgian government has put up barriers to prevent us from entering their country. For five years we at ITEM...

  • As a family therapist in an ambulatory setting, I see varying psychiatric disorders in multiproblem families. I specifically work with families who not only suffer from any kind of disorders, but also are affected by mild intellectual disability. This blog encompasses two parts. First, it will give...

  • I am sure everybody is aware how our environment has changed over the past years and how ongoing shifts in our societies show us that this will continue for the period ahead. And I am sure that most of us feel inconvenience. Inconvenience as we face challenges not experienced before or at least not...

  • Resnke Zuurveen

    To PhD or not to PhD

    I knew the letter would arrive in June. Every day I walked towards the front door and quickly glanced at the mailbox. No letter. Then, on a sunny Saturday morning, it was there. I felt like all those high schoolers from all those movies who applied for these fancy universities, waiting for their...