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USER_BASED LAW Call for Applications. Apply by 20 November.
Extra money: simply divvy it up or find a special use for it? The Executive Board and the deans did not have to think long when the question arose recently.
What is the basis for the claim of the ‘remaining’ EUR 4.875.000?
M-EPLI Talk entitled ‘A Multidimensional System of Commercial Law’.
“M-EPLI encourages its student fellows to actively participate in all the activities of the institute, which includes blogging. It is therefore with pleasure that we introduce you to Pavel Tehlar, one of our (former) student fellows who wrote an interesting piece on the Euromortgage.”
Jiangqiu Ge - M-EPLI PhD researcher from China on the Contract Law Course at Maastricht European Law School.
EuNaCon marks its successful conclusion with a Closing Conference that takes place between 20-22 February 2013 in Maastricht, The Netherlands.