Latest blog articles

  • On 14 March the Faculty Council gave its consent to the new Faculty strategy ‘Creative Community Law@UM.’ The Faculty Board wishes to involve the Faculty community as much as possible also in implementing this strategy.

  • The University is dependent on innovation from the bottom-up. Recent examples of wonderful initiatives are the Rethinking Justice Hackathon and the Abraham de Pinto client counseling competition.

  • Now that law gets little attention in high school, we must enhance our initiatives in the field of pre-academic experience. We already have a wonderful virtual open day for law, but the challenge is to also make one that places prospective students right in the middle of a tutorial and have them...

  • Many things happened at the Faculty in the past fortnight. Friday 26 January, we celebrated the 42nd Dies Natalis of the UM. The one thing I always like about this celebration is that it is enormously varied compared to other universities’ anniversaries.

  • Legal craftsmanship is no longer the same as being a master of law. One of the challenges we face as a faculty, is how to design our teaching in such a way that our graduates have the skills to work until 2068.

  • Yelling, offensive language, indecent sounds, and to a certain extent even behaviors are being protected as ‘speech’ or as ‘symbolic speech’ by Article 7 of the constitution. If we believe criminal justice is an appropriate instrument, an intervention is only allowed on the part of the national...

  • Some colleagues asked me what it is that a dean does all day and why he cannot simply do his fair share of teaching. This question is fully justified and this blog will try to give some insight into work and life of a dean (that, by the way, I am also curious about myself).

  • No headscarves or other religious expressions in the police, in this way we impair the 'neutral' image associated with the police. (Dutch only)

  • Does Spain have a stong case from the perspective of the decentralised unitary state, to prevent Catalonia from the opportunity to gain independence, and therefore take numerous measures? (Dutch only)

  • referendum stembus

    Nogmaals referenda

    Nederland raakt niet uitgepraat over referenda. En dat is niet zo gek, gezien de recente ervaringen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Spanje en natuurlijk het Oekraïne-referendum. In het regeerakkoord staat dat de Wet raadgevend referendum wordt ingetrokken. Wat moeten we nou van referenda vinden?