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  • As you may or may not know, Cyprus is a divided island. While the south of the island is governed by the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus, the north is governed by the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", an internationally unrecognized state.

  • francisco_rizi-auto_de_fe_Spaanse inquisitie

    Restorative Justice

    On Tuesday, February 21 at 1:30 p.m. a legislative proposal will be presented to the members of the standing committee for Security and Justice. The purpose of the bill is, that is an initiative of the citizens and through the citizens, to support a restorative settlement in criminal cases on the...

  • Extra money: simply divvy it up or find a special use for it? The Executive Board and the deans did not have to think long when the question arose recently. Setting it off was a message from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science “that in the supplementary budget 2014 a substantial...