Latest blog articles
Towards electronic data exchange within the EU: removing administrative obstacles
The 30%-facility is regularly discussed in both case-law and politics. The facility is currently under pressure and facing turbulent times. With a potential abolition, which may become reality, particular attention must be paid to the effects and possible alternatives.
The Central European University is facing severe restrictions after a modification to the Hungarian Higher Education Act.
In Germany, various chapters of outlaw motorcycle gangs have been prohibited over the last decades. The Netherlands are currently working on a case to effectuate a ban.
To counter misuse of student visas the Saxion University of Applied Sciences applies a so called ‘quota system’ for students from ‘risk countries’.
Have you ever considered of enjoying your retirement elsewhere, perhaps in a sunnier European destination? (Dutch only)
Recently one of my foreign network partners (from France) requested me to assist him in advising and assisting one of his clients in a take over of a Dutch company.
Published on LBM. Social dumping is a difficult issue at present in political institutions, both national and European.
Legitimacy in the political sense can be defined as an inquiry into the justification for the exercise of public authority. Or put differently: it is the reason why I, being part of society, should accept laws and regulations that bind me.
No one will have failed to notice the United Kingdom's referendum on membership of the EU.