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In the context of (EU) VAT, Nellen’s dissertation illustrates that information procurement by the entrepreneur can be a challenging affair.
Have you ever considered of enjoying your retirement elsewhere, perhaps in a sunnier European destination? (Dutch only)
The European Union’s Court of Justice finally rendered its judgement in the famous Banco Santander and Autogrill cases on 21 December 2016. For state aid specialists and tax lawyers this decision was bound to be a landmark case whatever way it would turn out.
Published on LBM. Social dumping is a difficult issue at present in political institutions, both national and European.
No one will have failed to notice the United Kingdom's referendum on membership of the EU.
It has just been accepted by the Dutch Second Chamber, but that does not mean it will make it past the First. That's the status of the tax plan right now. And indeed... This blog is only available in Dutch.
Today the European Commission released its first set of decisions on corporate tax rulings, which it has investigated for over a year. Starbucks Manufacturing EMEA and Fiat Finance and Trade were the first test cases where final decisions have been issued.
The EU is negotiating trade agreements in secret because orthodoxy, mysticism and a wishful thinking-based approach to policymaking have returned to power in Europe.