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Admittedly, the right to erasure, or more colloquially, the right to be forgotten is nothing new in the European legal landscape.
28 January was Data Protection Day, an annual celebration of privacy and data protection commemorating the date that Convention 108 of the Council of Europe was first opened for signature.
On 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice (Court) handed down its judgment on the long-anticipated Schr
A few weeks ago, I predicted on this blog that 16 July 2020 would be the most important day of the year, for privacy professionals, because of
On Thursday, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) published a long-awaited tweet: Case C-311/18 #Facebook Ireland & #Schrems – Judgment to be delivered on 16th July 2020
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, which has been hitting Europe hard for several months, has not been anticipated by anyone including the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 1 the core functions of which include surveillance of infectious diseases and epidemic intelligence.
In the evolving COVID-19 scenario in which business continuity also depends on adequate data protection and cybersecurity practices on the part of organizations, knowledge mapping of privacy & data protection guidance and cybersecurity best practices has taken on an even more important role.
“Hopefully COVID-19 will be gone at some point, but tracking technologies may stay for longer and permanently hamper the rights and freedoms of individuals”.
Het is wellicht wat eigenaardig reflecties over de rol van de EU op het terrein van de volksgezondheid, en de huidige corona-crisis in het bijzonder, te beginnen in 1952, maar toch doe ik het.
Earlier today, the European Union and the United Kingdom reached agreement on a revised customs plan for Brexit.