Bachelor Student Prize Winner | 48th Dies Natalis

Bastiaan Laarakker

  Faculty of Science and Engineering | Bachelor Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

"Formalisation of Timed Systems in Coq"

Bastiaan's elevator pitch
"As the correctness of a mathematical proof can be difficult to verify, there are software tools, called proof assistants, which allow for the development and verification of mathematical statements. In this work, I implement a formalisation of the theory of timed system behaviours in the Coq proof assistant. The behaviour of a system is the set of all possible executions that may occur, and many properties of a system may be defined at this level of abstraction. Implementing this in a proof assistant allows us to verify its correctness and develop the theory further. Finally, my work highlights some features and limitations of Coq and its underlying foundations.”

Bastiaan Laarakker

Congratulations Bastiaan

In this video Bastiaan is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.