Lou Snijders

Professional career history
Lou Snijders is a (senior) project manager with over thirty five years of years of experience in development cooperation and - education.

He has co-managed and implemented many capacity building and development projects and programmes in Botswana, El Salvador, Peru, South Africa, Mozambique, Vietnam, and in Holland, among other countries.

He lived and worked for 15 years in Botswana and in Mozambique in most development sectors. Since his return from Mozambique in 2001 Lou works part-time for Maastricht University Centre for International Cooperation in Academic Development (MUNDO) acquiring, implementing or directing capacity building projects at education institutes.

He teaches various globalization and development courses at bachelor and master level at Maastricht University faculties, for UM-FASoS. Lou is also involved in various development programmes in the NGO sector.

Lou Snijders