Board of Deans

The Board of Deans is the academic advisory body that supports the university’s administrative bodies. Upon request or on its own initiative, the Board of Deans advises the Executive Board and the faculty boards on education and scholarship. The Board of Deans also functions as an informal consultative body for inter-faculty coordination of education and research. The board also awards doctoral degrees and honorary doctorates.

The Board of Deans consists of the rector and the deans of the faculties. The members’ term of office is linked to the duration of their appointment as a dean. The board is chaired by the rector.



  • Prof.dr. P. Habibović
    Rector Magnificus


  • Prof. dr. A. Schols (FHML)
  • Prof. dr. J.M. Smits (LAW)
  • Prof. dr. M.G. Heijltjes (SBE)
  • Prof. dr. C. Neuhold (FASoS)
  • Prof. dr. T. Cleij (FSE)
  • Prof. dr. A. Aleman (FPN)