T.D. Tran
Research profile
I now focus on modeling the evolution of latent constructs, which are measured via observed questionnaire items. To model the evolution, I apply or develop novel longitudinal models at the latent level. For this psychometric research area, measurement invariance, which assesses the (psychometric) equivalence of latent constructs across groups/subjects or measurement occasions, will be carefully examined.
I have a strong interest in the application of Bayesian approaches to data analysis not only due to its powerfulness when dealing with complicated models, but also due to the Bayesian philosophy.
Key publications
Tran, T. D., Lesaffre, E., Verbeke, G., & Duyck, J. (2021). Modeling local dependence in latent vector autoregressive models. Biostatistics, 22(1), 148-163. https://doi.org/10.1093/biostatistics/kxz021
More information about this publication
Tran, T. D., Lesaffre, E., Verbeke, G., & Duyck, J. (2021). Latent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models for Bayesian analysis of multivariate longitudinal categorical responses. Biometrics, 77(2), 689-701. https://doi.org/10.1111/biom.13292
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Tran, T. D., Lesaffre, E., Verbeke, G., & Molenberghs, G. (2021). Serial correlation structures in latent linear mixed models for analysis of multivariate longitudinal ordinal responses. Statistics in Medicine, 40(3), 578-592. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.8790
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Tran, T. D., Krausch-Hofmann, S., Duyck, J., Mello, J. D. A., De Lepeleire, J., Declerck, D., Declercq, A., & Lesaffre, E. (2018). Association between oral health and general health indicators in older adults. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article 8871. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-26789-4
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