Promotion Fund: fixed annual subsidy for student organisations

Maastricht University (UM) has a Promotion Fund available to provide financial support for student activities and student organisations.

 The subsidy is used:

  • as fixed annual financial support for certain general student organisations affiliated with UM, and:
  • to stimulate new activities that are in line with UM's vision and strategy

Fixed annual subsidy for student organisations

Student organisations can be eligible for a fixed annual subsidy if they meet certain conditions. In most cases, the size of the subsidy depends on:

the number of student members of an association or the number of students involved in the activities of an organisation
what the subsidy will be used for
the own financial resources

A student organisation can possibly receive a subsidy if:

  • it 

    exists for at least two years

  • it is a fully recognised legal entity
  • it is open to all university and university of applied sciences students in Maastricht
  • it actively contributes to a positive student life in Maastricht
  • it provides guarantees for a good financial administration and – if it concerns an association – membership administration
  • it provides assurances for continuity
  • it asks participating students for a relevant financial contribution (where relevant)
  • it has an annual programme with at least two open activities (that are open to all students)
  • it has insufficient financial reserves
  • it does not initiate any activities that bring the good name of UM, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht as a student city into disrepute

Associations must have a minimum of 50 student members of which at least 35 are UM students.

Application procedure

Would you like to request a fixed annual subsidy for your student organisation and/or need more information? Contact the Promotion Fund Secretariat via or call +31 (0)43 388 5212.

The subsidy is awarded per calendar year. The application period runs from 1 to 30 September. Submit the application with the requested documents before 1 October of the current academic year to the Stimuleringsfonds Secretariat via


The allocation of a fixed annual subsidy is decided by the director of the Student Services Centre (SSC), who is advised by the Promotion Fund Committee. The Promotion Fund Committee consists of two student members from the University Council, an employee of Studium Generale and a student dean.

A subsidy awarded in previous years does not guarantee subsidy in a subsequent year.

Promotion Fund subsidy for starting organisations or new activities

A starting student organisation that does not (yet) satisfy the criteria for a fixed annual subsidy may be eligible for a Promotion Fund subsidy if an association or foundation is established with a direct link to UM.
In addition, financial support is possible for student activities organised by student organisations. Click on the link in the adjacent block for more information and the required conditions.