Neon Night Run - Colourful stream of runners

A clear blue sky with a light breeze – the organisers of the Neon Night Run couldn’t have hoped for more. The conditions not only attracted some 150 runners to the event on 8 May, but also made for a great barbecue afterwards. The result: a nice donation to the MF Foundation, the charity selected this year by the International Student Network (ISN).

It is just after 6 pm, on the field at the International Guesthouse, and participants are lining up to get their faces painted. Most stick to a few modest lines or the shape of a sun on their cheeks – in bright neon colours, of course, because that’s part and parcel of this annual race for a good cause. It’s a very international group: besides Dutch, English can also be heard around the field, as well as Spanish, Italian, French, Chinese and more.

Students Jana Moritz and Devan Burke relax on the grass while they wait for the start. They often run together and decided to sign up after seeing the event on Facebook. “Five kilometres in this heat is doable, but hopefully there’s some shade along the way”, Moritz says. For them, it’s mainly about taking part and enjoying the barbecue afterwards. They didn’t realise both the registration fee of 7 euros and the proceeds of the barbecue will go to the charity. “Even better”, says Burke, who comes from the US.

ISN chooses a different charity to support with its Neon Night Run each year. This time it’s the MF Foundation, which focuses on various good causes, ranging from charities that support people who are intellectually and/or physically challenged as well as organisations like the World Wildlife Fund. “There are many international students who are keen to contribute”, says ISN president Pepijn Poels. “But this run isn’t only for them; Maastricht locals can also take part. And we’ve invited the residents of the Guesthouse and the football club to the barbecue. A sporting event like this brings all kinds of people together.

No doubt: in the midst of the students, who are now getting pumped up by the enthusiastic DJ, is Belinda van Kesteren from Maastricht, who herself has a daughter at university. She heard about the Neon Night Run through word of mouth. That it’s for a good cause was all the extra motivation she needed. “I go running often, but I won’t be able to keep up with these pups.” Just as she wants to get started with a warmup, six girls from the MAC gym climb the podium and get the runners jumping, squatting and dancing. “Now you can let go completely”, instructor Janice shouts at the end of the warmup. “A mosh pit, twerking, anything you like.

Shortly after 7 pm, they take off, a colourful stream of runners embarking on the five-kilometre route around the suburbs of the city. A local resident letting his dog out has no complaints about the race. “Hotties, all of them”, he calls out to his neighbour.