S.A. Chaplick

My primary area of interest is algorithmic graph theory and my current research focuses on geometric representations of graphs, visualization of graphs, and optimization problems on restricted graph classes. 


Graph Algorithms, Network Visualization, Computational Geometry

Career history

Since April 2020, Assistant Professor at DACS. 

Postdoctoral Work:

  • Sept. 2015 – March 2020: 
    Postdoc in the Chair of Computer Science I, Universität Würzburg.
  • Jan. 2014 – June 2015:
    Postdoc in the Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics Group, TU Berlin. *
  • Feb. 2013 – Dec. 2013:
    Postdoc in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Charles University in Prague. *
  • Jan. 2012 – Jan. 2013:
    Visiting Researcher: Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Canada), Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada), University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada), Haifa University (Haifa, Israel).

* These positions were supported by the EuroCores EUROGIGA project GraDR.



  • Feb. 2008 – Jan. 2012:
    PhD in Computer Science at the University of Toronto (Advisor: Derek Corneil). [degree awarded  15-June- 2012]
  • Sept. 2006 – Jan. 2008:
    M.Sc in Computer Science at the University of Toronto (Advisor: Derek Corneil).
  • Sept. 2001 – June 2006:
    B.Math double degree in Combinatorics & Optimization and Computer Science at the University of Waterloo.