Ruben Knehans (R.W.L.)
Ruben Knehans (LL.B, BSc, LL.M) is a PhD researcher exploring the possibility of introducing (non-invasive) brain stimulation that reduces aggression as a criminal law measure in the Dutch criminal justice system. His supervisors are prof. David Roef, prof. Hans Nelen and prof. Joost à Campo.
More information about his PhD topic can be found via this BNR radio interview (in Dutch): or this UM article:
Ruben Knehans studied LLB European Law School (English Language Track) and BSc Psychology at University Maastricht in the period 2013-2019 and completed the LLM master Forensics, Criminology and Law cum laude in 2020.
Ruben Knehans has worked at UM as student-tutor for the course Social Behaviour (PSY1021) and as student research-assistant for Dr. Nkansah Anakwah in his research "Considering the native land of witnesses: Cultural influences on memory reports".
Moreover, Ruben was (junior) research fellow with Project EmpRiSe, a research project funded by the European Commission empirically studying the right to silence in criminal proceedings in The Netherlands. In addition, Ruben functioned as course coordinator of the course LAW3024 'Legal Decision-making and Neurosciences' in the year 2020-2021.
- Pivaty, A.; Hübner, H.; de Vocht, D.; ter Vrugt, P.; Knehans, R. ‘U bent niet tot antwoorden verplicht, maar…’ Inzichten en opvattingen over het zwijgrecht vanuit de rechtspraktijk. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch. 2021. Open Access:
- Knehans, R.; Schuhmann, T.; Roef, D.; Nelen, H.; à Campo, J.; Lobbestael, J. Modulating Behavioural and Self-Reported Aggression with Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation: A Literature Review. Brain Sci. 2022, 12, 200.