Rebecca Heemskerk (R.M.)


My field is (international)criminal law and -procedure.
I have worked as a criminal defence lawyer for more than 23 years, after which I made the switch to full-time academia. I have extensive, hands on experience with Dutch substantive and procedural law / defence rights. My interests extend to international humanitarian law, human rights law and international criminal (procedural) law, which is central to the topic of my PhD-research. I will be working at the UM Law Faculty full time for the coming years, dividing my time (50/50) between being a lecturer and PhD-candidate.

I teach in both the Dutch and English Master, the courses: Bewijs in Strafzaken and International Criminal Law.

Career history

After my studies at the UM, I worked as criminal defence lawyer at several law firms in the Netherlands. Two decades later, I returned to the UM and have now fully switched to academia.  I am currently  holding a 50/50 position as a PhD-candidate and Lecturer.