Overview of our latest and upcoming PhD defences.


Simona Klinkhammer  | 3 September 2024 | 16.00 hrs
CLEARING THE BRAIN FOG - Unmasking the Neurological and Neuropsychological Consequences of COVID-19.    
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. C. van Heugten, Maastricht University; Prof. Dr. J. Horn, Amsterdam University Medical Center; Prof. Dr. J. Visser-Meily, University Medical Center Utrecht .   
Co-supervisor: Dr. A. Duits, Maastricht University.

 Lukas Duffner  | 12 September 2024 | 10.00 hrs
Promoting Healthy Brain Aging through Cognitive Activity and Social Contact; A Translational Journey from Neuroscience to Community. 
Supervisors: Prof. dr. S. Köhler, Maastricht University; Prof. dr. M. de Vugt, Maastricht University.
Co-Supervisor: Dr. K. Deckers, Maastricht University.

 Aurore  Delvenne | 20 September 2024 | 13 hrs
Csf Proteomic Signatures In Alzheimer's Disease Across Amyloid And Tau Biomarker Subgroups.
Supervisor: Prof. dr. P.J. Visser, Maastricht University.
Co-Supervisor: S. Vos, Maastricht University.

 Bhathika Perera | 30 September 2024 | 10.00 hrs
Exploring physical and mental health co-morbidities in people with intellectual disability.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. T. van Amelsvoort, Maastricht University; Prof. Dr. P. Hurks,
Maastricht University.


Rob Simons | 11 June 2024 | 13.00 hrs
Health economic evaluations of innovations in anterior segment eye surgery.   
Supervisors: Prof. dr. R. Nuijts (Maastricht University Medical Center+); Prof. dr. C. Dirksen (Maastricht University Medical Center+).    
Co-supervisor: Dr. F. van den Biggelaar (Maastricht University Medical Center+).

 Allert de Vries | 11 June 2024 | 16.00 hrs
Stress urinary incontinence with emphasis on bulking agents.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. J. Heesakkers, Maastricht University; Prof. Dr. J.P.W.R. Roovers, Universiteit van
Co-Supervisor: Dr. P.L. Venema; Dr. F.M.J. Martens, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

 Stephanie Van Asbroeck | 18 juni 2024 | 16.00 hrs
Targeting modifiable risk and protective factors to prevent dementia - From observation to application.    
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S. Köhler, Universiteit Maastricht. 
Co-Supervisor: Dr. K. Deckers, Universiteit Maastricht; Dr. M.P.J. van Boxtel, Universiteit Maastricht.

 Natalia Y. Makhotkina | 25 June 2024 | 13.00 hrs
Negative dysphotopsia    
Supervisors: Prof. dr. R.M.M.A. Nuijts, Universiteit Maastricht; Dr. T.T.J.M. Berendschot, Universiteit Maastricht.  

 Veerle van Gils | 28 June 2024 | 13.00 hrs
The role of diabetes and vascular burden in Alzheimer’s disease: A pathophysiological perspective.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P.J. Visser, Universiteit Maastricht.    
Co-Supervisors: Dr. S.J.B. Vos, Universiteit Maastricht; Dr. W.J. Jansen, Universiteit Maastricht.


Hoi Yau Chan  | 15 May 2024 | 16.00 hrs
Enhancing efficiency in epilepsy care: A Health Technology Assessment Perspective.    
Supervisor: Prof. dr. mr. S. Evers (Universiteit Maastricht, Trimbos Instituut); Prof. dr. M. Majoie (Universiteit Maastricht, MUMC+, Academisch Centrum voor Epileptologie Kempenhaeghe Maastricht UMC+) .   
Co-supervisor: Dr. Mickaël Hiligsmann (Universiteit Maastricht).

Philippos Koulousakis  | 23 May 2024 | 10.00 hrs
Double Doctoral Degree Maastricht University – Hasselt University/tUL.
Hugging it out: Targeting Oxytocin in Alzheimer’s disease    
Supervisor: Prof. dr. D. van den Hove, Maastricht University; Dr. T. Vanmierlo, Hasselt University and Maastricht University.
Co-supervisor: Prof. Niels Hellings, Hasselt University.