New Science of Mental Disorders
Research institutes

New Science of Mental Disorders

The New Science of Mental Disorders consortium (NSMD) focusses on the network of symptoms that constitute a mental disorder. Is it possible to improve treatments by focussing on these symptoms? With the help of a Gravitation grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), NSMD brings together researchers from seven Dutch universities. Maastricht University’s professor Anita Jansen is the scientific director.

  Visit the NSMD website.


The project consists of three coherent layers of research: mapping, zooming and targeting. The focus of all research, and in all layers, is on a radical new approach to mental disorders: the network approach. Additionally, there are six teams, each led by a PI from either Leiden, Amsterdam or Maastricht:

  • Team Network
  • Team Emotional Memory
  • Team Disordered Desires
  • Team Mind-body Interface
  • Team Cognitive Control
  • Team Communicating Networks


The ultimate goal of New Science of Mental Disorders (NSMD) is to improve the treatment of mental disorders. To do this, we first need a better understanding of the clinical picture of disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, addiction, eating disorders, and so on. Around one in four adults and one in ten children suffer from a mental disorder at some point. But in half of these cases, treatment is not successful in the long term. We believe that this is partly due to the way in which these disorders have been viewed until now.