Contact Methodology and Statistics
Postal address
Postbus 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands
Visiting address
Peter Debeyeplein 1 (first floor)
6229 HA Maastricht
The Netherlands
+31 (0) 43 38 82395
Methodology & Statistics is located on the Randwyck Campus in Maastricht, near the A2 and within walking distance from bus stops and the train station.
From Eindhoven: Take the A2 motorway to Liege, exit 55 Randwcyk/azM/MECC. Take last exit right. Turn right at intersection with traffic lights towards azM/MECC. Take first road left towards Peter Debyeplein 1. Take last road right and ask for Methodology & Statistics at gate. Free parking on building grounds.
Maastricht - Randwyck Station is on campus. Leave station and take stairs or lift to street level. Turn right, take the first street left and walk roughly 350 meters. The Methodology & Statistics building will be on your right.
Get off at the Maastricht Academic Hospital stop, which is located directly across from the entrance to our building.