This is an illustrative selection of recent publications by Data-Driven Decision-Making members relevant to the subject of the theme. For a full publication list, please consult members’ individual profiles (see our People page).
- “The Effect of Review Writing on Learning Participation in Channel Partner Programs”, Aguirre-Lopez, E., Grewal, D., Mahr, D., Ruyter, K. de & M. Wetzels (2018), Journal of Marketing (in press)
- “Assessing the Effect of Narrative Transportation, Portrayed Action, and Photographic Style on the Likelihood to Comment on Posted Selfies”, Farace, S., Laer, T. van, Ruyter, K. de & Wetzels, M. (2017), European Journal of Marketing, 51 (11/12), 1961-1979
- “Testing for Granger causality in large mixed-frequency VARs”, Götz, T. B., Hecq, A., & Smeekes, S. (2016), Journal of Econometrics, 193(2), 418-432
- “Augmenting the eye of the beholder: exploring the strategic potential of augmented reality to enhance online service experiences”, Hilken, T., de Ruyter, K., Chylinski, M., Mahr, D., & Keeling, D. I. (2017), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(6), 884-905
- “Risk measure inference”, Hurlin, C., Laurent, S. F. J. A., Quaedvlieg, R., & Smeekes, S. (2017). Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 35(4), 499-512
- “Unveiling What Is Written in the Stars: Analyzing Explicit, Implicit and Discourse Patterns of Sentiment in Social Media”, Villarroel-Ordenes, F., Ludwig, S., Ruyter, K. de, Grewal, D. and Wetzels, M. (2017), Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (6), 875-894
- “Using PLS Path Modeling for Assessing Hierarchical Construct Models: Guidelines and Empirical Illustration”, Wetzels, M., Schröder, G. and Oppen, C van (2009), MIS Quarterly, 33 (1), 177-195
- "A Sample Path Large Deviation Principle for a Class of Population Processes", H. Sandholm, William & Staudigl, Mathias. (2015)
- “On the Convergence of Gradient-Like Flows with Noisy Gradient Input", Mertikopoulos, Panayotis & Staudigl, Mathias (2018). SIAM Journal on Optimization (forthcoming)
- “Convergence to Nash Equilibrium in Continuous Games with Noisy First-Order Feedback" Mertikopoulos, Panayotis, & Staudigl, Mathias, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017)