Dr Philippe Delespaul (P.A.E.G.)

Prof.Dr. Ph.A.E.G. (Philippe) Delespaul (°1958) is full professor in Innovation in Mental Health Care at the University of Maastricht (Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology). He is a clinical psychologist at the Mondriaan Mental Health Trust in Maastricht/Heerlen (The Netherlands) and advises the direction and the regional stakeholders about care innovations. He is board member of the national quality monitoring institute for ambulatory mental health care (CCAF) and the Global Initiative on Psychiatry (Benelux chapter). He worked in residential and ambulatory care, primarily with a focus on severe mental health and developed the PsyMate™ method to assess the daily life of disabled individuals. He is one of the initiators of the Dutch New Mental Health Movement and focusses on human right monitoring for this population. He published 2 books, more than 50 chapters and 200 peer reviewed international papers.