Paying tuition fees
You can pay your tuition fees in a lump sum or in instalments. You do this via a digital authorisation or via a bank transfer. You choose your payment method when you register in Studielink. If you have not done this yet, please go to your <My To Do list> in Studielink to complete this.
Please note: first-year students requiring a visa/residence permit for study cannot pay their tuition fee by digital authorisation or in instalments. They need to pay their tuition fee for a whole year in one lump sum by bank transfer before the start of their study programme.
Please make sure that you pay your tuition fee on time. See our webpage ‘When do you have to pay?’
Questions about payment or refund of your tuition fees?
Finance, Debiteurenadministratie
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 12:00
+ 31 (0)43 388 4752
Completing payment details in Studielink
After you submit a registration request in Studielink, you will be notified when it is time to declare your payment details and method.
- Go to Studielink and log in.
- To fill in your payment details, select the option <Enter your payment details> under <My To Do list>.
- Fill in the required data on the form <Enter payment details>.
Tuition fee payment methods
In Studielink, you can choose one of two payment methods:
First-year students requiring a visa/residence permit for study cannot pay their tuition fee by digital authorisation or in instalments. They need to pay their tuition fee for a whole year in one lump sum by bank transfer before we can submit their application to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).
1. Payment via digital (direct debit) authorisation
By submitting a digital (direct debit) authorisation form, you give consent to UM to debit the tuition fee from your bank account (only with a SEPA IBAN bank account):
- in eight instalments if you start with your study 1 September;
- in four instalments if you start with your study 1 February;
- as a single lump sum.
Read more
Studielink step-by-step plan
Dates of direct debits
When to pay your tuition fees
2. Other method of payment (via bank transfer)
Via this method, you pay the tuition fees via a bank transfer.
Please make sure that you pay your tuition fee on time. See our webpage ‘When do you have to pay?’
Please note! When making payments, always state your student ID number, consisting of an ‘i’ and seven digits (e.g. i2345678).
Account name: Maastricht University
Bank name: ING
Account number: NL 91 ING B 0654 89 49 49
Bank address: Postbus 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Read more
Studielink step-by-step plan
When to pay your tuition fees
Are you studying at another institution in addition to UM?
If you are studying at two institutions at the same time, and you are eligible for the statutory tuition fee, you only have to pay tuition fee at one of the two institutions.
You are studying at a different institution than UM and you are going to study at UM as well
If you have paid the statutory tuition fee at the other institution and wish to register at UM for a study programme, please request a proof of tuition fee payment ('Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld' - BBC) from the other institution. The other Dutch institution will send this BBC directly to UM.
You are studying at UM and you want to start a study programme at another institution as well
Apply at the UM Student Services Centre (via for an original proof of tuition fee payment ('Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld' - BBC) for the other institution. Please mention your name and your student number and to wich other Dutch higher education institution you want to send us the BBC to.