About the elections
Employee or student registration
In order to participate in the electronic elections at Maastricht University you must be registered as a UM employee or student on the reference date (1 March 2016). You also need a UM email account, and a computer with an internet connection. If you do not have access to such a computer, you may use the faculty or University Library computer rooms. In special cases you can turn to the Central Elections Office.
Confirmation of registration and the right to vote
In the week of 7 March 2016 you will receive an email of the Central Elections Office to confirm your registration as a member of the university community and your right to vote. Please check the information in this email thoroughly. If this email contains incorrect data you can send an email request for correction. Errors can no longer be corrected after 18 March 2016.
Please note: are you entitled to vote, but did you not receive any messages on your Maastricht University account in the week of 7 March 2016? Please notify the Central Elections Office through email. Please contact the Central Elections Office in time (the deadline is 18 March); after this deadline you cannot vote.It is also possible to check your registration at the office of the Central Elections Office during the week of 7 March 2016. Only UM email accounts give you access to the electronic polling station. The email confirming your right to vote therefore also informs you about the domain and account you need to log on to the elections website.
Nominations are invited from Tuesday 29 March (9.00 hrs) until Monday 4 April (16.00 hrs). Nominations will be invited electronically. After going to elections website log in and find the module concerned. For more information on nominations please see Nominations.
Elections website
All actions like submitting a list, nomination and of course the voting itself take place on the elections website .
Zie de FAQ voor veelgestelde vragen over de verkiezingen.
Nominations are invited from Tuesday 29 March 2016 (9.00 hrs) until Thursday 4 April 2016 (16.00 hrs). Lists of candidates can be submitted electronically, by using the Internet. The nomination of one individual candidate is also regarded as a list (a one-person list).
Each list contains:
a name of the party/candidate
at least one candidate
one person who submits the list (from the same section)
five persons to support the list(from the same section)
In the manual 'How to submit a list' (pdf) is explained how to submit a candidate list.
Nominations example
Two FHML students wish the stand for the Faculty Council members with their list “Healthy Maastricht”. One of them or another student of the same faculty can nominate them electronically. Before submitting the list they look for five fellow students of FHML to support their list. For more information about the regulations please see the 'Election Regulations' on this website. There you will also find information on the eligible seats. For submission of a list you should log on to the elections website and complete the module “Nominations”.
After completing the submission, you can print your list. Candidates and supporters will automatically receive an email asking them to confirm their nomination/support. These actions have to take place in the period from Tuesday 29 March (9.00 hrs) until Monday 4 April 2016 (16.00 hrs). Supporters can only support one list.
Please note:
If you want to keep the option open of a combination of your list with one or more other lists, you need to mention this when submitting your list!